Topic 2 Key Underpinnings of GCED

Key underpinnings:

  • Focuses directly on key development and human rights issues locally and internationally
  • Seeks to stimulate, inform and raise awareness of issues from a justice and/or rights perspective
  • Routinely links local and global issues
  • Explores key dimensions such as individual and public dispositions and values; ideas and understandings, capabilities and skills
  • Critically engages with the causes and effects of poverty and injustice
  • Encourages public inquiry, discussion, debate and judgement of key issues
  • Encourages, supports and informs action-orientated activities and reflection in support of greater justice
  • Takes significant account of educational theory and practice
  • Emphasises critical thinking and self-directed action
  • Seeks to promote experiential learning and participative methodologies
  • Routinely challenges assumptions by engaging with multiple, diverse and contested perspectives