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Harnessing Digital Marketing for Cultural Heritage: Tools and a Case Study from Rural Thailand

In an increasingly digital world, the promotion of cultural heritage, especially in rural areas, requires innovative marketing strategies. Let’s examine...
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Digital Empowerment: Transforming Rural Youth into Cultural Heritage Champions

In an era where digital technology pervades every aspect of our lives, its power to transform communities, especially in rural...
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Why Including Rural Youth Voices is Crucial for Inclusive Policy-Making and Community Development

In the tapestry of rural communities worldwide, young people represent a vibrant thread that often remains unnoticed. Yet, their voices...
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Youth Unemployment in Rural Europe: Strategies for Improvement

While youth unemployment is a concern across Europe, rural areas face unique challenges that demand tailored solutions. The idyllic countryside...
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Understanding the Challenges Faced by Rural Youth in the EU

In the ever-evolving landscape of the European Union (EU), rural youth continue to face multifaceted challenges that significantly impact their...
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Our 5th Newsletter is now ready to be read!

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European youth’s digital skills

Digitals skills are included in the European Commission’s Recommendation on Key Competences forLifelong Learning, which identifies eight key competences among...
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You Stand Out project developments

The Pilot Testing phase of the project’s PR2 output, the E-learning Platform, is now being finalised. The on-line learning environment...
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European Year of Skills

2023 is the European Year of Skills!The aim of the 2023 European Year of Skills is to address skills shortages...
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All Digital Summit Programme 2023 Skills for Digital Tomorrow27 – 29.09.2023, Zagreb

The ALL DIGITAL Summit – Skills for Digital Tomorrow, the premier event for learning and networking in the digital world,...
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